Pepper Spray: A Non-Lethal Option

Our GRUNT GOAT TACTICAL Defensive Training PEPPER SPRAY class will help prepare you with an effective protection plan. In this class you will learn the proper application of pepper spray as well as exploring some of the other important aspects of personal protection.
In this class, we will emphasize the importance of seeing danger at a distance, making confident and quicker decisions, acting on than decision and then getting to safety.
This 2 hour class will be useful for men and women ages 13 and above. There will be NO live pepper spray exposure and no combatives but there will be movement drills in this class.
Pepper Spray: A Non-Lethal Option class includes:
What is Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Pepper Spray
Types and applications of pepper spray
Recognize danger
Verbal Commands
HANDS ON exercises with the use of different types of pepper spray. Stream, Cone, and Gel will be available to train with and/or test
Disengage from your attacker/situation
Your actions after the attack
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
Notebook and pen
Sabre Red inert pepper spray training (WATER) canisters.
Eye protection
Plastic inert gun when applicable